See You Again

The sigh of relief and satisfaction I get when I sit down to craft a blog, is undeniable. The blog has always been a sacred place where I can retreat too, neat rows of words that speak my truths in a way that just make sense to me. Opportunities to write quietly are getting far and few between in this chaotic season of life, but nevertheless, they still happen and when they do, it’s so healing. It brings me back and grounds me.

Tonight is a night like many others, the kids have eaten and been soaked in the tub. The days’ sticky fingers, marker stains & dirt have been scrubbed off and they are clean and in their soft pajamas, ready for bed. Our Coley goes to bed right around 7; he gets his blanket and rubs his eyes almost like clock-work. Hallie will sit on the couch, gazing up at the TV until her eyes flutter shut and she lands on the couch seat next to her. I leave her there most times and watch her sleep, until eventually; I’ll carry her to bed. Our lives, as chaotic as it can get, I work hard at making these last few hours of our day routine and steady.

I strive in an environment where I can predict, so I can prepare. But how do I react when things happen, that I can’t prepare for? I have to look at it straight in the eye and decide; how am I going to handle this? How am I going to manage to feel okay in this, if I’m not ready for it?

A couple weeks ago, I excitedly stood above my bathroom vanity, overlooking a little stick, waiting to see the results; a giant, bright blue, plus sign.


Days of mental preparation, lists and quiet whispers to my close friends and family. Days of talking, planning and dreaming with my husband, talking about names and bedrooms.

I start praying for protection for this little baby. I buy prenatals and start drinking more water and going to bed earlier. I dream and hope.

I continue my workout regime, dreaming of sharing my journey. What will my belly look like this time around? Can I be a fit pregnant mom, heck yes I can!

I wake up one morning, slowly walk to my bathroom and the first thing that hits my mind is the baby. I wonder how they’re doing in there. I place my hand on my waist.

The next turn of events don’t end in an ultrasound with a happy mother and a peppy Instagram post announcement.

As much as I wish I was posting one of those, instead I sit here crafting this blog; the one where I tell you all, that it happened again.

The fourth pregnancy, but a woman with only two children.

My heart aches, my soul feels bruised. The doctor tried to tell me it was just a pregnancy that “didn’t take.” But it felt a lot like a baby I could have raised, a life that could have brought so much joy to our lives. As I sit in the midst of this miscarriage, I felt such an urge to share with you that this life, though so little, was so loved. I wanted to shout on the top of my lungs that I was pregnant and it mattered. That I didn’t want to just try again, I wanted to continue THIS one.

As I maneuver my way through these emotions, I have such an unwavering peace flowing in. That this baby is a part of my story and they are going to teach me more about myself and the kind of Mother I want to be to the babies that I have been blessed with, here with us.

Our God is a faithful one. He doesn’t give us things that we can’t handle, He gives us trials and tribulations to carve us in to the servant we need to be. I have to move forward, to bring purpose to these lives I held for such a small amount of time.

I am your Mother, you mattered and I will see you, again.

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