This Is It...

Just like that, it’s winter. Seasons tend to change so quickly when you’re an adult, no matter where you are in your life. I can certainly attest that it seems to move so much faster when you become a parent, spending your days caring for your children. You go from being pregnant to changing diapers, to sitting up and then walking. Each milestone comes and goes and then all of a sudden you have these memories behind you and you can’t seem to catch up. I wasn’t planning on writing tonight, but then again, these entries tend to craft themselves no matter what plans I had prior. I stood in my living room, the house quiet and mostly dark, except for a few lights I leave on for Jon, when he arrives home late from a work run. The world feels still. I don’t have the TV playing Disney. The baby is sound asleep not needing to be fed, soothed or changed. My house is clean, ready for the next morning and all of a sudden I find myself standing dead center in the middle of my living room, looking up at my mantel. Pictures of my last 5 years, staring back at me. Then I turn my attention to my Christmas tree, unplugged and dark but still twinkling from the light coming from the kitchen. It’s almost Christmas and I have a three year old and now a 5 month old.

Time has an interesting way of creeping up on us. As I gaze out the window to the snow, softly falling, I can’t help but compare the two. One minute you blink and the snow has stopped, it’s the same with time. I blinked and I’m 23 with two kids and a husband.  

With the Christmas season here, especially celebrating in our first home, I can’t help but try to slow the time down a little. I have such wonderful memories of the lights, the Christmas tree, holiday food and music. Sharing all my favorite traditions with my own family has been the most special and meaningful thing to me. Jon and I recently had a moment together, where we couldn’t believe that this life was ours and we we’re blessed enough to be together, living it out.

Most of the time, when I sit down to write out an entry, I have no clue what on earth my point is and it always ends up coming to light by the end. Tonight, as I sit with you, I’m trying to get perspective. One of the only ways I know how, which is to write it out and share my feelings to all of you. This life moves so quickly, and each day I have a moment where I want to skip it and move past. The crying fit because Hallie is exhausted from the day and I just a have to get her to bed. The times spent alone, waiting for my husband to come home. The tired mornings that I wish I could skip this new workout crap I started and just be lazy for once. But the thing is; I’m coming to realize, that we don’t have any extra time to skip over the not-so-pleasant moments, because everything we do, everything that bugs us and everything we love, it all runs together in this thing called life. We don’t have any moments to waste, because they go away far too quickly.

With Christmas season here, I encourage you to all slow down and breathe in what makes you happy. Put your phones down, turn down the noise of the day and take a good look around you, This precious time will be gone soon, just as these moments that will soon fade to memories. 
Hallie doing some traditional cookie fun! 
Winter is here! A shot from this morning
out my kitchen window.

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