Placing 'Evening' First

            It feels just short of a miracle that I’m able to sit down with the blog tonight. The house is quiet, both kids are sleeping and I’m taking some much needed time to myself. I haven’t been a Mom of two for very long but it feels really great to say that I’m getting the hang of this! It really has been a whirl-wind three weeks, as I realize that just three weeks ago, I was in the hospital, laboring through what was the most difficult, but one of most beautiful days of my life. Cole has been a part of our lives for just 21 days and now I wonder what life was like before. Obviously I remember the day to day differences, but what I mean is, my heart and soul and the true dynamic of our family has changed so much, I can’t imagine it being any different. We’re so happy and we feel completed.
After what seemed like a very short time in the hospital, coming home, I realized I was venturing in to uncharted waters and our routine was going to be shaken to its core. Jon went back to work and here I was, sleep deprived, struggling through hormonal emotions and trying so hard to be patient to find our new normal. Tonight as I sit with you, the dishwasher humming and the beautiful peace and quiet that surrounds my home, I feel as if just a few weeks later, we may have arrived.
I thrive in an organized, peaceful, environment. So when things get shaken, even when I know it’s coming, I brace myself for them. A few times, as the chaos and unfamiliarity was ripping through my home and my routine, I found myself trying to center myself and really dig deep for feelings that this was OK. I’d say, “Mallory, not everything has to be perfect all the time, just relax, this is ok!”
In the midst of one of my personal pep-talks, I fell upon this devotional entry on my bible app. It talked about how we live in a culture where we work all day, and then eventually we might take time to rest in the evening. But this isn’t how God designed us to function. God wants us to order our days with rest as a priority and place our ‘evening’ first. To make time to rest, recharge and refocus, before we take on the day. It really hit me that it’s important to slow down and take time to rest. With all my newfound responsibilities as a Mother of now two kids, it can be almost funny that I’m expected to stop and rest, but it occurred to me that it’s no good for me or either of my babies if I’m stressed, overworked and exhausted.
I admit that I’m naturally hard-wired to get up and go, go, go until it’s all done. The problem with that, is when you’re a Mom, the tasks never seem to be completed. Each thing leads to the next and if you don’t put rest first, you’ll never find it. I’m so thankful I fell on that devotional because now I realize why I had such an inner conflict before. I was fighting between myself and what God was trying to tell me. Slow it down, relax and rest. It’s important.

I’m sure this isn’t the last lesson I’ll have as I learn to be a Mother of two, I’m quickly gaining so much respect for my own Mother and every other parent out there that has done this before me. Though this is the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done, it is the most rewarding. 

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