A Maker & His Craft

It’s my favorite time of day as I sit nestled in my favorite spot in our house. It’s the time of day where Hallie rests her head in her room while mama runs the laundry, puts her feet up and relishes in the peace and quiet. With my corn bag nice and warm on my lap and my prayer journal open to my left, I’m excited to craft a new blog. It’s been too long.
Life has been evolving lately, in more ways than one. Jon still travels throughout the week and I’ve managed to get in to the swing of staying busy between his absences. Hallie is quickly growing to be a strong-willed little thing and each day is spent teaching her and watching her grow. I’m thankful for the short blips of time I’m able to escape to a couple hours at work or a quick run to the store by myself. I was feeling guilty about feeling so excited to leave at times, but I’ve quickly gotten over that and realized it makes me a better Mom to take some quiet time to reflect and just be.
Now that I’ve caught up a little on the everyday swing of things- I’d like to mention my true meaning for opening up the laptop this afternoon, rather than conking out on that pillow that looks really comfortable over there…
My husband has recently found a niche in building things. One day he went out behind my parents’ house, threw some beat up pallets in the back of his truck and brought them home. Before I knew it, he had created this beautiful over-sized coffee table that became the focal point of our living room. I remember when he brought the thing in, smelling fresh of creativity and stain, I looked at this piece of furniture in awe. Who was this man and how the heck did he create such a magnificent piece from those dirty pallets?! Each day I continue to marvel at my husband’s new found talent. He’s created some really beautiful pieces; his most recent is a sturdy, rustic end table to my right. It matches the famous coffee table and has created a perfect spot for me to retreat to, on these quiet afternoons that I hold so dear to my heart.  I think that’s why the feeling of awe still rips through me on a daily basis. The fact that he can create these beautiful pieces of furniture out of something that was left to waste, in lonely stacks off to the side of restaurants and office buildings.
I feel like God does the same thing with us. He sees each of us walking around his Earth, kind of aimless at times, not really having much purpose or place, and he picks us up off our waste-less path and carves us in to something meaningful. Creates us in to a beautiful piece that will eventually end up in a place where it’s appreciated and cherished.
I mentioned above that I had my prayer journal open to my left. I was sifting through the pages this afternoon and I read this one paragraph that I had written, asking God for something specific. As I glanced at the date of the entry, a quick realization came over me, that God had answered my prayer that day. I hadn’t known it at the time; it took a while to show itself, as most of God’s answers do. But his faithfulness just struck me, I looked to my right and admired this end table my husband had worked so hard on and then I looked to my left at my worn prayer journal that God had shown his faithfulness through and I just felt so much peace. It was like God had wrapped his arm around me and said, “Mallory, keep seeking me and I’ll place you exactly where you’re meant to be.”

This world, especially today, can look so ominous. With all this post-election hate and chaos to the every-day struggles we all endure, the answer is simple. It’s always been Him. His faithfulness is everywhere, and all we have do is sit back and look for it; and when we find it, appreciate it and cherish it.

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