A Toxic Situation

            It’s been too long since I’ve had a little blogging therapy and tonight I’d say is shaping up to be a perfect night to do just that. So much has changed since I’ve last sat down with you and I’m grateful as ever to be sharing these new details of my life with you. We have successfully moved away from a toxic situation in to a new situation that’s proven to be exactly what my family needed.
            Towards the end of February we began to pack up our apartment to venture across counties and back in to the country where my heart has always belonged. I can’t explain the love I have for long county roads and tree lines that don’t break often but it’s there and I can only say embracing it has made my heart happy. We live in a little house off of route 12 and I’ve been bustling about for a month now trying to make it feel like a home. The kind of home that I grew up in, where home cooked meals were always on the menu and the sound of evening TV always seemed to soothe the soul. We’ve settled in to a new routine and life is good and relatively stress free again.
            I mentioned a toxic situation prior to us moving on and was in fact the reason we decided to move so quickly. It was unfortunate and the way we were treated after putting up with so much was not pleasant and I’ve been silently coping with the abruptness of how everything went down. My character was questioned when I worked so hard to maintain it. My faith was made fun of when I clung to it. It was a lot to handle and even more difficult when I had no home to feel at home at. It’s taken a good month to mentally get over how I was treated and I can now come to the blog and lay out what I took away from this life lesson.
Sometimes people fall short and they treat you really bad. Rather than wave your fist back at them and try to maintain your point- don’t. Walk away with your held high and your dignity in tact because that is way more important than trying to make your point to a person that can’t listen.
I know a lot of this is mysterious and I can’t get in to details but I can say that no matter what we face in life, the hardest of situations can be handled with grace. Look up to God and hold your head high- higher than the problem at hand. God’s way always prevails!
With all that being said, I’m so excited to move forward in this new home. God provided in such a BIG way. He didn’t let me win the fight and he didn’t allow me to get the last word in- because that’s not what’s important. What’s important is he paved the way for me to find new beginnings and learn from the past. As I sit here in this quiet corner of my new home, I see him in every part and I feel so much peace knowing I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

*I've had a couple questions wondering if this 'toxic situation' has anything to do with my marriage. Jon and I are happily married and he's been right beside us during our move to this beautiful country home. The situation refers to the place we were living and the people that were renting us the apartment we left. Due to the nature of kinship my ex- landlord and I hold, I decided not to provide details. 

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