Closing a Chapter

I’m writing to the blog tonight from a sense of excitement and eagerness to share a new but old addition to my Journey. I’m propped up in my pile of blankets in our cozy, laundry covered bedroom. Hallie is running around our house under a watchful eye of her Daddy and he’s graciously given me a little quality time with my blog.

Life has been hectic lately, slowly mastering the balancing act of working two long days during the week and being around the other three to play out my wife & mommy role. It’s definitely been a telling time for me personally. There is a definite responsibility that presents itself in the everyday moments of life that I owe my daughter and most importantly my family, my very best on a daily basis. It’s not always feasible but it’s definitely my life goal to be there for my little one that needs me fully. 

My recent chapter in life is coming to a close and though I’m sad for certain reasons, I’m also very excited to enter in to a new chapter. These past 6 months have been a real challenge adjusting to life working in a complete different line of work, learning to grow as a wife and mother, and still trying to tend to myself when I can. I’m proud to say I took a job opportunity and played it out to its full potential, but unfortunately, I’ve decided to walk away from the day job and enter in to an old routine of a night job at the beloved Red Onion, while also taking on an entirely different side job working for an incredible health and wellness company, it works Global.

What a crazy thing life is! I can’t even believe my life is changing this much in such a small amount of time but I’m so blessed to have so many awesome opportunities to play out and give my all.

With the fall season just around the corner and new beginnings on the horizon, I can’t help but feel giddy with excitement as life changes course. I’ve come such a long way through this Journey as a person and as a mother; it’s an invigorating feeling to grow towards a direction you feel you’re led to follow. Stay tuned! 

xo Mallory 

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