Power, Peace & Coffee

            It’s a rainy morning here in B-ville, so naturally, after a diaper change, morning bottle & a nice big cup of creamy coffee, I felt it only appropriate to sit down with the blog again. This past weekend I got the enormous honor of being a part of my lovely friends’ wedding. For me, weddings bring out the emotional side in me, as it does in most women I assume. This particular wedding was held at a spectacular waterfall in Taughannock Falls in NY. The ceremony itself was placed so perfectly on a stone overlook, right in front of the magnificent falls. As I was standing there listening to my dearest friend profess her unwavering love for her husband-to-be, I couldn’t help but peek around at the falls and marvel at its absolute power. It was one of those moments that happen few and far between in this busy culture we’re a part of. I could barely take it all in! As the water poured over the top in to the giant gorge & the couple standing before it reciting their carefully crafted vows, I felt as if they were not only speaking to each other but speaking before God. The waterfall so peaceful yet so powerful represented God. I don’t think it was meant to represent anything other than a beautiful back-drop but his mysterious yet perfect ways of reminding us he’s always there became so clear at that moment in the ceremony. I remember getting chills as if I was having a secret moment with our loving savior at this perfect ceremony. What a gift.
            It was a special day filled with lots of smiles, pictures, memories & food. The day came and went and reality set back in swiftly. Jon and I made our way home back to our little girl waiting for us and the routine of our life-style as parents & responsibilities set back in as quickly as we left them.

I woke this morning, whined and rolled out of bed wishing for more sleep, I knew that it was time to ask God for some strength because no coffee in the world can keep me going like God can. I suppose it’s time to leave my corner of comfort with my coffee and dimly lit laptop but thankfully I believe this streak of writers block is over and I’ll be visiting the blog much more often. Until then… :) 

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