
It’s a balmy, humid morning over here in the country. I awoke early to the sound of my 4 year old, telling me it was morning and time to wake up! I invited her to climb up in to the empty space my husband leaves when he’s off on the road, and handed her my iPhone to occupy her for just a few more minutes of peace and quiet.

After the kids finally woke up for the day, still groggy, I stood from the bed and my legs and back creaked, as I made my way down the hall to my son. Hallie skipping past me, up on her perch- which is a little black storage box that stands next to Cole’s changing table, she stood there and sang to Cole as I changed his diaper. My eyes were still feeling sticky and tired- I thought to myself- how do little kids have so much energy so early? I made my way out to the kitchen which instantly felt hot and humid. The AC had been off all night. I poured each child their morning cup of watered down OJ and started the Keurig. It was a pretty average morning, but I felt differently.

What I haven’t shared, is that lately my heart and mind have been ridden with anxiety. I’ve felt  run down and exhausted. I’ve snapped on my kids on multiple occasions, for just being kids. I’ve been running around my house and my life feeling spread thin-going from task to task, getting more and more anxious along the way. My kids have been getting my worst and I feel horrible about that.

Last night I had a moment of frustration, I had made it through another day- feeling as if my head was spinning all day long. I was tired, irritated and confused as to how I got to be this bad. I felt so guilty. I missed who I had been long ago, happy-go-lucky, driving around my little white car, with the windows down and feeling as if nothing was wrong. Enjoying my day and every interaction I had throughout it. My existence had become this tightly wound Mother who didn’t even recognize who I was anymore. I was literally laying on my floor in defeat; Partially because I couldn’t find the TV remote but also because I felt as if my back was carrying the weight of all of these emotions, and I had no idea  how to get up and feel better about who I was.

Heavy stuff…and I’m sorry to lay it all out. But this morning when I woke up, something inside me clicked. I swiftly walked over to a basket where I keep all my notebooks and other papers, and searched all the way to the bottom for my little black book. It’s a notebook I’ve been keeping since October of 2015. I write prayers in it, and I realized that I hadn’t seen it in months. Conveniently placed right next to it was my bible.

With my kids playing in the other room, I sat down and flipped to the last entry. May 12, 2018.  Are you kidding me? Has it been that long since I’ve sat down with the Lord and really tried to connect? In disbelief, I grabbed it and sat down at my kitchen table. I scribbled out where I had been in my life and the things I was feeling and as I was writing, it occurred to me that Satan had such a hold on my life and I was so blinded by my tasks and schedule that I didn’t even notice what an ugly person it had turned me in to. I got up and hugged my kids and I sent a quick text to my husband. “I’m so sorry.”

This is who I am without the grace and love of Jesus in my life. I become tired and irritated and I start thinking back to times in my life that seemed perfect and long for them and I miss out on the beauty that is in my life right now. Not only does Satan put up blinders, he tricks us in to thinking what we have isn’t enough and isn’t enough to make us happy.

After this long-winded blog, I am thankful for the wakeup call that God so graciously gave me this morning. I cannot wait to move forward today with this peaceful and clearer state of mind. I don’t need to lay in bed and wish for a few more minutes of peace and quiet, I need to rise and seek out the one who is the truth and the reason for life. Rise and give me Jesus.
The Little Black Book 

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