This Christmas is Different

 This is the first blog I’ve ever started on the notes section of my iPhone. I’m currently laying on a paw patrol stuffed animal while my son falls asleep. This season of life is hectic, full of needs & a revolving door of responsibilities that I carry. I’m okay with it though. I’ve been embracing this role since the day I brought home my squishy little newborn; and that was 9 and a half years ago. 

Now, I have three kids in tow and my life is fuller than ever & I’m going to throw a cliche out here; so is my heart. 

It’s Christmas time and usually that comes with the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, concerts & lists… LOTS of lists. 

This holiday season has felt different. In the past, my blog entries have all been crafted to bring clarity to whatever may be happening in my life, and this one is no different. 

I had to come to a blank page of paper and scribble out exactly WHY this Christmas has felt so different. 

First, it began with a book. 

I had heard of Advent. I knew it was something to do with counting down to Christmas, but that was the entirety of what I knew. 

I ended up with a sweet, small advent devotional written by a Godly woman I grew up with & I had NO idea what was ahead and the stirring God would do in my heart using advent (and this book) as the tool to do just that. 

I grew up hearing the story of Jesus. The little baby. The manger. Mary. Joseph. 

It fell flat and in retrospect I think that’s why SO many Christmas pasts have done just that. 

We shop. We write lists and then more lists. We wrap, bake & go to parties. But then when the day is over, I don’t know about you but I fall flat. My spirit does anyways. 

When you start to open your heart and widen your perspective to the true miracle of the birth of Jesus you realize that Christmas is a BIG deal & so long ago in Bethlehem a SAVIOR was BORN. In this world. On this dirt. In this realm; He left His home in heaven to come to a broken world to do one job. A job for you and for me. Saving one soul at a time for generations to come. 

Christmas is a big deal, one that we look forward to every year. Then when it arrives we hurry through to do all the regular traditions; but do we really feel the magic that we long for? 

I know I don’t. At least I didn’t. Until I opened up my heart to the true meaning of Jesus & what his birth means for MY soul & My future. 

Every Christmas song. Every cookie baked. Every twinkle light & glistening Christmas tree is a symbol that I serve a God that loves me SO much. 

I have been a little obnoxious with the Christmas music this year and I just can’t help it. I belt out Lauren Daigle’s Noel in the shower & my heart gets giddier and giddier with every passing Advent day. 

I had to share because I know that we all fall entrapped in to the mundane exhaustion of trying to do it all & make it all perfect. I’m here to say; you don’t have too! The magic doesn’t lie there guys. The magic is in the manger. It’s Jesus. The magic, wonder & awe has been there the whole time. We just got so distracted we forgot to remember. That’s what Advent is all about. 

I pray for each and every one of you who fall upon this post that your heart would be opened the way mine has been this Christmas; and that instead of your spirit falling flat after all the presents are unwrapped; you feel giddy. Giddy with joy that the birth of Jesus represents hope & a beginning, not an end to the joy. 

A little wreath I decided to forge & make myself this season! Not half bad !

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