Soul Rest

            It’s the end of another day, the backpacks are emptied, the dishes stacked full in the dishwasher & the kids sitting in their pajamas with sleepy eyes as they gaze up toward the TV.

I’m wearing baggie sweats, a loose sweatshirt and my hair that was nicely straightened this morning is thrown up in a bun because it was getting in my face during bath time. As the kids settled in to their usual spots on the couch for the evening, I paused in the kitchen to catch my breath. I’m sure many other mamas can relate, that moment when you come up for air after doing a slew of things. Take a deep breath, notice how tired you feel and then you pull up your invisible boot straps and push forward.
I decided to warm up some water in a Christmas mug and make some decaf chai tea, a little something I could do for myself and hang on too, literally. As I stood there continuing to catch my breath, watching the mug swirl around and around in the microwave, I started to feel my heart rate come down and my mind ease a little, but that feeling of absolute exhaustion still lingered. It isn’t that type of exhaustion that can be cured by a good night’s rest…it’s that soul gripping exhaustion.
Slowly steeping my tea, watching the clear water turn over to a calming, oaky tea color, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Isn’t there a way for me to maneuver my way through this exhausting season of motherhood and still find true, soulful rest?”
This seems to be the theme for my life lately, I don’t sit down nearly as often as I’d like too, to write and craft blogs. I still find rest and reason in the clacking of keys and the epiphanies that happen as I fill a blank page. 
Each morning, my son wakes me up usually before the raw hour of 6am. As I can’t control when he decides to wake, I can control how I feel about it and what I do with this precious time when it’s just him and I. Instead of groaning, I’ve been working really hard on spending this time I have with him intentionally. We pour our morning drinks, his orange juice and my pre-workout and we sit cuddled by the fire in our living room. I turn on a show for him on low volume and I crack open my devotions and then later my prayer journal. The theme that the Lord has been really bringing to my attention is ‘dependency.’
I’ve taken weekend trips away. I’ve gone and got pedicures with hot cups of coffee. You know, those ‘self-care’ things that everyone preaches, “You got to do for yourself, lady!” I’ll be the first to tell you, these things are not bad! They are wonderful, amazing things that a Mama deserves to do! But they don’t bring my soul rest. They just don’t. I get home, the same old milk spills or the dog chews a stuffed animal and white stuffing is all over the house and the carousel just keeps on spinning.  
I’ve learned that you can’t put your happiness and how ‘well’ your day is going or how ‘good’ your kids are behaving. We are all imperfect people and if I did that I’d be let down and have A LOT of bad days.

 I’m standing in the midst of my day, I’m totally overwhelmed with the fact that my kids are sick, I haven’t exercised in 3 days and I’m failing because my fridge is empty and I have no idea what the heck I need to fill It with. I go to the store with a fussy child, cold weather and wander around trying to not forget something. My heart begins to ache and I look over toward a lady, casually reading a box, I think to myself, “I am so jealous of her. I wish I was alone. I wish I could have just a second to THINK.” Then my two year old knocks over 2 boxes of cereal off a shelf.

Sound familiar?

Earlier, I mentioned that the Lord has been teaching me dependency and what that truly means in the trenches of my every-day, not so perfect situations. Now, I’m still learning and I still haven’t got this whole thing figured out. But today as I stood there and watched my mug swirl and I felt my soul longing for rest, I knew I needed to share this. Throw this out in to the space where I share with other mamas, that we can’t do this on our own. We are boss ladies, we get it done, we know how to brush our daughter’s hair in a way that doesn’t pull and what shoes stay on our son’s feet if we’re going to be doing a lot of walking. We hold the bags full of essentials but after a while our souls feel barren and spent. God didn’t design us to hold these things for as long and as tight as we hold them. I’m learning that when I’m in the midst of these moments, I have to lay it out and call out to the one that made me a Mom in the first place.

We are doing holy work. We aren’t just sweeping floors and folding laundry for the 100x this week, we are raising children that will carry on HIS legacy and HIS love in to the future. I know you’re tired, He knows you’re tired. Instead of sitting in our exhaustion and wallowing in that space, set the ‘bag’ down and choose dependency. Choose to ask for peace, for direction & reminders toward the importance of the role you hold.  

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