As you can imagine my mind has been racing and though on the outside I may seem calm, if you caught a glimpse inside you would see something that resembled chaos. Good chaos though.
I've always known that Jon was the guy for me. God placed him in my life at a time I needed him most, and we've both spoken in to each others lives in ways that no one else could ever comprehend. He's become a comforting friend in the unknowing waves of life and a compassionate, loving man in the times I've needed one. I have always believed God's true purpose for a husband has been a strong, loving leader for the family and I have no doubt Jon fills the criteria. His patience with me in the beginning of this pregnancy has been unbelievable. On a side note: pregnancy hormones are no joke if you didn't know I was pregnant you may just think I'm insane. It is possible to cry and laugh at the same time. For Jon not to get frustrated with me in these times of hysteria is a gift in itself.
Now on a serious note, I have had a few close family members ask me in the quiet moments, if I am absolutely sure this is what I want to do. This wedding is soon, and anyone with common sense should question if this is the right decision. After all, marriage isn't something you take lightly. It's as sacred and forever as this world gets and even though it's lost some of it's holiness as time went on, It's still a holy bound between two people.
I haven't been able to verbalize right just yet, so I'll try to write it out on this paper. This life is full of obstacles, lessons, and challenges. We must make decisions every day that could alter our life and it's path. This Saturday when I give away my beloved last name and take on Jon's, I have no doubt as I slip on that wedding band that it will never come off. Even though there isn't a magical moment that pegged Jon as 'The One', I believe God grants us the ability to look in to a person and see them as who he created them to be. I truly believe God has a plan and part of his plan was my Jonathan.
The wedding is this weekend, and we are hopefully landing a new apartment along with our new marriage. This time is full of wonder and excitement, and I'm thankful for all of the people in my life that are making the day so special. You all know who you are! I most likely won't write again until after the occasion, so until then. I'm out as Mallory Bingham.
I'll see you all, next year!